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As part of its wider service provision, Terravision Exploration is able to provide satellite imagery, across multiple spectral ranges, for areas of interest.

The space industry is currently undergoing a revolution. Over the last 10 years, the cost and size of electronics has plummeted, leading to the development of constellations of small satellites. Whereas a single spacecraft used to cost £100m+, it is now possible to launch so called “nano-satellites” for £0.1-0.2m. As a consequence, several constellations of 100s of such satellites have been launched, continuously monitoring the planet and producing a deluge of data. Artificial Intelligence technologies (AI, specifically Computer Vision) is making it possible to rapidly process this flow of information and provide meaningful insights. Earth observation provides objective coverage across both space and time.


Satellite technology can be used across the whole mining life cycle from undergoing exploration to mine closure and rehabilitation. Mining exploration is one of the most mature examples applications of satellite remote sensing technology. Some satellites can capture information in different wavelengths making them perfect for discriminating between different lithologies on the surface to pinpoint the location of valuable resources.  Furthermore, Earth observation satellites are also being increasingly used to help mining companies with regards to the social license to operation through deriving key trusted environmental datasets into an environmental impact assessment.  An example of an application within the planning stage of the mining life cycle is the ability to generate cost benefit assessments and positions for renewable energies such as wind and solar using products such as terrain information and landcover, amongst others, all derived from space.  Finally, with regards to closure, it is possible to use baseline satellite data (over a 40 year archive) to take the environment back to its original condition.

In light of the Brumadinho disaster early this year, tailings dams management practise are increasingly undergoing greater amounts of scrutiny and monitoring. Satellites are a cost-effective way of monitoring the tailings dam and mining waste dumps. There are many different aspects that can be monitored and facilitated using satellite-based technology, including:

  • Identifying suitable locations of Dams and Dumps

  • Monitoring the expansion and location

  • Influence of tailings dam on local natural vegetation

  • Influence of tailings dam on local natural agriculture

  • Monitoring small producer waste dumps and water contamination

  • Monitoring the stability of a tailings dam

  • Monitoring the profile and volume of tailings dams

  • Modelling the impact of a dam failure

Terravision Exploration works with partners to capture these capabilities for the benefit of our clients. 

Please see the attached link for a presentation on the satellite service provided.

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