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A heritage asset assessment is often legally required when submitting a request for planning permission. Typically, this takes the form of an archaeological investigation including a desk-based study and field evaluation. The starting block for any archaeological investigation is the desk-based assessment which evaluates the need for further archaeological work to conserve heritage assets.


Terravision Exploration Ltd can undertake desk-based assessments for your project and carry out non-intrusive field evaluations. Terravision Exploration Ltd are survey specialists who can measure and record historic buildings as well as evaluate the significance of heritage assets below the surface through geophysical investigation.





From Hadrian’s Wall to The Valley of the Kings, Terravision Exploration has a wealth of experience in the archaeological sector, successfully applying a range of geophysical techniques that aid in the locating and delineation of world class heritage sites. 


Terravision Exploration has a highly experienced team with a proven ability to define a range of archaeological features such ditches, pits, walls and stone foundations, metallic objects, hearths and kilns, floors, material fills and burial chambers such as graves and crypts.


The main benefit of using geophysical techniques such as GPRplus for

archaeological applications is its non-disruptive capability in investigating

sensitive areas containing cultural remains, such as burial sites, that would

be better left undisturbed.

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